Core values.

A light in your darkest hour.

  • Become an extended family to our patients.

  • Be a light in your darkest hour.

  • Do good today, and better tomorrow.

  • Give our patients a voice and provide care on their terms.

  • Provide quality, compassionate care through a team of local professionals.


At Appalachian Hospice Care, it is our goal…

  • To provide appropriate continuity of care for the patient and family through a centrally administered program which includes home care, respite, short term inpatient care, a continuous level of care, and bereavement and grief follow-up.

  • To provide the patient with the option to choose to remain in the home environment for the entirety of their illness.

  • To allow the patient to pass away quietly, peacefully, and with a sense of dignity and fulfillment.
  • To strengthen the relationships between the person in hospice and those closest to them.
  • To show respect for each person’s life wishes by exhibiting professional and empathetic behavior.
  • To maintain a high level of patient and family participation in the choice of appropriate care through developing and implementing an effective and individualized plan of care.
  • To relieve the patient from pain and symptoms, no matter the cause – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, financial, etc. – and the accompanying anguish and anxiety.
  • To serve as an advocate for the patient and family in assisting them to achieve their desired goals.
  • To alleviate the stresses that some experience in an institution away from a familiar and home-like setting.
  • To provide a support system for staff members and their patients which will facilitate optimum patient/family care.
  • To mobilize and use the energies and resources within the community to better meet the needs of terminally ill patients and their families.

Appalachian Hospice and Home Health Services is certified by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services and is a member of both the National Hospice and Palliative Care Association and the Kentucky Association of Hospice and Palliative Care. 

Appalachian Hospice and Home Health Services adheres to all HIPAA privacy policies.

Services are available regardless of age, race, religion, national origin, color, sex or handicap